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Temporary Legalization: In the past, there were several periods where lottery was legalized by local governments. For example, in 1968, the Surabaya Regional Government issued a lottery called LOTTO to raise funds for the National Sports Week (PON).

Role in Popular Culture: Togel has not only become a game, but has also become part of popular culture. Many songs, films and folklore have a lottery theme.

Social Impact: Togel has a complex social impact. On the one hand, this game can be a source of income for some people. However, on the other hand, lottery can also cause addiction, financial problems and even crime.

Reasons Why Togel Remains Popular
Dream of Making Quick Profits: Togel offers the hope of making big profits in a short time, even though the chances are very small.

Social Factors: Togel is often a topic of conversation among the community, thereby creating a sense of togetherness and social bonds.

Ease of Play: Togel is relatively easy to play, does not require special skills, and can be done by anyone.

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